Saturday, October 24, 2009

Never the Same


It was just the other day when my best friend, Michel, came running over to me and told me about this wonderful experience he had. Like other things that have happened around Jerusalem lately, this city has been abuzz about all the events of these last two months since Passover.

I remembered all the commotion concerning this so-called prophet named Jesus and how they had finally called him what he really was – a blasphemer. Imagine the gall of this man to equate himself with the Father in Heaven, the Father of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. It was right to turn him over to the Romans for crucifixion. He deserved to die. It was better for him to die and take punishment for all of us then for each of us to die instead. I admit it was scary when he died, what will all the earthquakes and the lightning and that terrible darkness. But, it was better that he was gone.

Of course, there were some who believed him to be the Messiah, but we are still under Roman rule. Some of his disciples claimed that he would be resurrected in three days and there was a lot of that talk going around. Imagine that, he was raised from the dead. Yeah, right! Yet, people kept saying it had happened. Even the tomb was empty. I often wondered if they stole his body and moved it just to say it was so.

Now, Michel tells me that the other day, he heard a mighty sound like the rushing of a wind and a fire glow coming from an upper room on a Jerusalem street on the Day of Pentecost. Afterwards, voices coming from the upper room reminded him of a marketplace filled with merchants selling their wares and all speaking loudly at the same time although Michel said they were all speaking in different foreign tongues. He and many around them thought they were drunk but it was too early in the morning. Michel then said that Peter, the leader of the group, spoke to the crowd and from the Holy Scriptures explained what was happening. Quoting the prophet Joel, Peter explained the fulfillment of these scriptures as a result of this Jesus. “People of Israel, listen!”, said Peter, “God publically endorsed Jesus by powerful miracles, wonders and signs through him.” Peter continued, “Each of you must repent of your sins and turn to God and be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins!”

Michel said he was pierced through the heart and his eyes were open to the truth that Jesus had died, that He was buried and that now He was raised from the dead according to the scriptures. That Jesus was LORD and Savior of the world. Michel became baptized and he says he now walks in a newness of life as a follower of Jesus. I couldn’t buy any of this. I was appalled and flabbergasted. How could he? How could my best friend forsake the tradition adhered to by the Pharisees and protectors of the Law and follow this man Jesus. I struggled deeply with these new things my friend had said. I’d known Michel my whole life. He was just like me and now he had gone too far. But, maybe there was something to this. I had to search for myself. I had to find out if any of this was real. Could Jesus really be the Messiah?

I went down to the synagogue to search through the sacred scrolls. I opened the scroll of Isaiah and read all about the suffering servant and my heart was skipping beats. Could it be? I decided to go to the synagogue the next day and see if there was anything that could point me to this Jesus. Is He real? Is He alive? I didn’t know what to expect but I couldn’t wait for the day to come.

The next day, as I was walking by the Beautiful Gate, I saw the lame man who was in his normal spot begging. As I approached him, I saw two men and realized that it was Peter and his friend John. I was going to ask them about Jesus but the lame beggar spoke first asking for alms. I’ll never forget what Peter told the lame beggar. He said, “Silver and Gold I do not have but what I do have I give. In the name of Jesus, get up and walk.” This man not only got up, he JUMPED up. It was incredible. The lame beggar was walking, leaping and praising God. As everyone gathered and marveled about what had just happened, Peter again gave the message of repentance, of turning to God and of Jesus being LORD and Savior.

Like my friend, I too was pierced through my heart and my eyes were opened to the truth. The next day, I sat in the council chamber and heard Peter proclaim, “There is salvation in no one else! God has given no other name under heaven by which we must be saved.” I couldn’t wait any longer. I repented, turned to God and was baptized and now my life will never be the same. Yes! He is Alive! Yes! Jesus is My LORD and My God. Yes! Jesus is Messiah!