Friday, December 20, 2013

The Night He Came

It was cold the night they came

Looking for a place to stay

They had journeyed from Galilee

They had travelled for many a day

The man’s hands and feet were nicked and cut

Even in calm she had a tinge of fear

Her womb was full of life

Her time was close, her child was near

We had no room for them and child

The town was crowded so

There was no room for any

They just had to go

But, all the same

It was the night He came

During that night the shepherds watched

When angels brought news of great joy

In a barn, in a manger came

Peace on Earth by a little boy

A king to save His people

Was He the one

That I had turned away this night

Because rooms at the inn we had none

I wondered awhile if this could be

That on this day I did a thing

And turned aside

A new born king

But, all the same

It was the night He came

Many years now have passed

To Jerusalem I went at last

For the passover feast just one more time

And remember the things of my past

They hung a man upon a cross

King of the Jews, the inscription said

With a deep sigh, He said ‘It is finished’

And let out his breath and dropped his head

At the cross, a woman I saw

Could it be after all these years

That this was the boy king

I let born in a barn, my eyes filled with tears

But, all the same

It was the night He came.

I felt such sorrow and despair

For what I had done and what I saw

Royalty should have been his lot

Instead I left him to a bed of straw

One night there came a knock

At the door a man dressed in white

He said do not fear or despair,

It was my Father’s will where I was born that night

This boy, this man, This King of Kings

Came once again and asked to come in

My heart was broken and contrite

He loved me and saved me from my sin

Now, nothing is the same

For it was the night He came.